If Fear Wins- Tony J Forder 5* Crime
DI Bliss is back! A body has been found by two rather lax security guards. It appears that
this has been a rather unusual type of murder and one that the team would not wish to
see again for  a very long time. A young airman has gone AWOL from the local airbase
with no apparent reason. Could the two be connected? One of bliss’s ex flames also
has an issue and Bliss wants to help but it is outside of his jurisdiction. Threads that
weave and keep you interested the whole way through. Tony has a way with characters
that brings them to life on the pages. Bliss is one of those characters that you either
love or hate, warts and all. He has a sense of humour- not always appreciated by some
, a tenacious attitude to his work and his team love him at the helm even if sometimes
they don’t quite know what to make of him. This is a book that you can sit down with
and be sure of a good read, an excellent, very cleverly thought out plot and a smile
along the way.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1

f Fear Wins blurb

When a torched body is found in a country lane, DI Bliss and Chandler are called in to investigate.

The detectives are drawn towards recent missing person reports, and believe their victim will prove to be one of them. Bliss thinks he knows which, and fears the outcome if he is proven right.

Soon the body is identified, and Bliss and Chandler discover evidence suggesting this murder might be a terrorist attack.

Meanwhile, someone from Bliss’s past needs his help, and soon he is juggling his personal life with the demanding case. To make matters more complicated, MI5 and the Counter-Terrorist Unit are called in to help solve the case. But are they on the right track?

Bliss and Chandler soon find themselves in a race against time, and this might just be their most challenging case yet…


Tony J Forder is the author of the critically acclaimed crime thriller series featuring detectives Jimmy Bliss and Penny Chandler. The first two books, Bad to the Bone and The Scent of Guilt, will be joined in the series on 29 May 2018 by If Fear Wins.

Tony’s dark, psychological crime thriller, Degrees of Darkness, featuring ex-detective Frank Rogers, was also published by Bloodhound Books. This was intended to be a stand-alone novel, but Tony is now considering the possibility of a follow-up.

One book that will definitely see a sequel is Scream Blue Murder. This was published in November 2017, and received praise from many, including fellow authors Mason Cross, Matt Hilton and Anita Waller.

Tony lives with his wife in Peterborough, UK.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TonyJForder @TonyJForder


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