Oh My God What a Complete Aisling -Sarah Breen and Emer McLysaght - 5*
Think Bridget Jones- but Irish. With that “craic” and loony friends and quirky relatives.
Add nights “Out Out” - not just out- that’s a totally different thing of course. A boyfriend
that Aisling is desperate to marry as she is getting left behind by all of her friends but
despite hints he is in no rush- to be sure. This is a smile or a laugh on every page.
If you have ever mixed/been related to/are/know the Irish, you will know what a
friendly nation they are. Like the rest of us there are those who speak their mind,
with or without alcohol, and those that would help anyone out. A little translation
in case you might need it. “Press” is a cupboard. The Hot press is the airing cupboard.
Aisling’s ups and down, holidays and work, friends and relationships- the works.
The Irish love of life personified. Love Aisling, love life! One I will be smiling at for
a while. Live. love, life.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1


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