A GIFT FOR DYING MJ Arlidge- Crime
Oh wow! A book that draws you in from the very beginning and the” gift” that keeps
on giving so to speak!
A man is murdered, in fact more than. His body is brutally taken apart. Two young
gang members are picked up quickly afterwards in the mans car however it is just their
bad luck that the body was in the trunk. Kassie has been having visions. Always just
slightly the wrong side of the tracks at 15, she often misses school and has drugs to
help her through. On a shoplifting spree she bumps into a man and when she looks
into his eyes it disturbs her so much she knows she has to do something about it
and warn him of his impending doom. Adam is a forensic psychologist attached to
the police department as well as his own practice and is soon to be a father. When
Adam agrees to treat Kassie , can he believe her visions or is she hiding something
more, much more? I found myself wanting to turn the pages faster and faster whilst
at the same time not wanting this to end. This is stunningly written. Nothing too gory
but enough to give you a clear picture of scenes and characters and short chapters
keep the pave flowing nicely along.
A slightly dark and chilling read with a hint of supernatural.One brilliant read.

For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1


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