Rosie’s Travelling Tea shop-Rebecca Raisin-  Romance/Family Life
More than “just” a book- a really motivating, uplifting, feel good read. Rosie gets back
from work thinking her husband has a surprise for her. A weekend away maybe?
Something to liven up their marriage which to be honest has rather ground to a halt.
when he announces he is leaving her she is gobsmacked and looks at her whole life.
She works as a sous chef in a Michelin starred restaurant and is super organised in
every aspect of her life. Splitting up means she would have to move out and start
somewhere new. Is this such a bad thing? A bottle of wine leads her to Poppy and
the rest as they say, is history. A few helpful tips from a website and Rosie and
Poppy are soon on their way to.. well to what? A new life perhaps? Will she love
it or would she rather be snuggled up in her kitchen doing what she does best.
I took to Rosie early on and recognised the issues of breaking boundaries and
that radical word- change- that lots of us struggle with. We all suffer life’s ups and
downs and sometimes the downs are not easy to ride out. sometimes we want or
need to get away from it all- either in reality or in our own heads. This really
made me stop and think. A really good feel-good, cheer you up, uplifting read.
Anyone who thinks homemade cake is the eighth wonder of the world definitely
gets my vote! Brilliantly written, easily read and one I didn’t want to end.
I very much look forward to the next instalment (I hope there is one!).
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/
or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1

Amazon Top 1000 reviewer.


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