ABEL'S REVENGE: A gripping serial killer thriller like no other

Abel’s Revenge- Ross Greenwood- 5* 

Oh wow! I wasn’t prepared for that. Another wonderfully described book from the master of words. This begins telling two stories. One is from Abel’s point of view- his childhood and his demons and how he deals with them and his dark past. The other is of a couple trudging through the treacle that is their relationship, possibly the end of it,  and dealing with their young children . When one party doesn’t pull his weight at home- in fact Olivia may as well be dealing with another child. Ross has a way with words (He was my author of the year for 2017) that beautifully describes each scenario. Caring and tender when it needs to be and then gritty and raw to flip the coin. Enough action to draw you in and characters that you take to- or not in one case! You wonder where the two are going to meet - just having that feeling that they might. Jamie Lawson wasn’t wrong when he said “I wasn’t expecting that”. I won’t give anything away …..I’ll just say.. wow, wow, wow. Stunning.

Ross Greenwood Author Bio:

Ross Greenwood was born in 1973 in Peterborough and lived there until he was 20, attending The King's School in the city. He then began a rather nomadic existence, living and working all over the country and various parts of the world.Ross found himself returning to Peterborough many times over the years, usually, so he says “when things had gone wrong.” It was on one of these occasions that he met his partner about 100 metres from his back door whilst walking a dog. Two children swiftly followed. And, according to Ross, he is “still a little stunned by the pace of it now.”Lazy Blood book was started a long time ago but parenthood and then four years as a prison officer got in the way. Ironically it was the four a.m. feed which gave the author the opportunity to finish the book as unable to get back to sleep he completed it in the early morning hours.Ross Greenwood’s second book, The Boy Inside, was picked up by Bloodhound Books, and in September 2017, Fifty Years of Fear was published. All his books are thought provoking, and told with a sense of humour.Ross Greenwood hopes you enjoy reading them.

Please feel free to get in touch on www.rossgreenwoodauthor.com

Author Links

Author Website:     www.rossgreenwoodauthor.com

Facebook Author Page:   https://www.facebook.com/RossGreenwoodAuthor/ 

Twitter:     https://twitter.com/greenwoodross

Abel’s Revenge Book LinksAmazon UK/US                 

Other Books by Ross GreenwoodLazy Blood (Sept. 2016) Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2pqxLfo
The Boy Inside (Febr 2017) Amazon UK:
The Boy Inside (Febr 2017) Amazon UK: The Boy Inside (Febr 2017) Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2uuGWRQFifty Years of Fear (Sept.2017) Amazon UK:  http://amzn.to/2DY1TWB


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